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Buy Cashew

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Buy Creamy, Smoky & Nutty Flavor Cashew

Buy Highest Quality, Hand-Sorted & the Freshest Cashew Nuts

Its full grown tree of almonds.
Cashew Bloom
How A Seed Turns Into A Cashew
The King Of All Nuts

Did You Know….

Cashew Apple
The Cashew tree produces a Cashew Nut & a Cashew Apple.The cashew apple is a fruit, whose pulp can be processed into a sweet fruit drink or distilled into liquor.
Cashew Shell By Products
The shell of the cashew can be use in many ways. The shell of the cashew seed yields derivatives that can be used in many applications from lubricants to paints, and other parts of the tree have traditionally been used for snake-bites and other folk remedies.
True Fruit of the Cashew Tree
The true fruit of the Cashew tree is the drupe that grows at the end of the Cashew apple, within this drupe is a single seed which is the Cashew nut.
Why Cashew Nut Roasted
In their raw form, the outer layer of the cashew fruit contains multiple toxins including anacardic acid, a powerful skin irritant similar to the toxin found in poison ivy.

The process of roasting the cashews destroys the toxins. When they are roasted, cashews change from their natural grey greenish color to the light brown nut sold in market.

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